Industrial equipment and work machinery can be dangerous to New Jersey workers. Faulty maintenance, inadequate training and insufficient safety measures are just a few of the possible causes of a serious machine injury.
And when the equipment is defectively designed or manufactured, the potential for injury is increased. As a New Jersey worker, you have the right to a safe and properly maintained workspace with adequate training and effective safety precautions to prevent machine injuries.
When these rights are not upheld, the Reinartz Law Firm is equipped to take on the responsible parties and help you get the compensation you need and deserve for your injuries.
Machine Injuries in New Jersey
If you have suffered an on-the-job machine injury, New Jersey workers’ compensation insurance may be available to pay for your medical treatment and provide temporary disability while you are out of work. Depending upon the nature and severity of your condition, you may also receive vocational rehabilitation, permanent disability payments and/or coverage for other associated expenses and losses.
However, in machine injury cases there is also the possibility of a product liability claim if the machine was defectively designed, manufactured and/or maintained by a third-party. In this regard, you may be able to pursue additional compensation from the manufacturer, distributor, seller or other responsible third party through a separate product liability and/or personal injury claim.
The following examples are just a few of the ways that you can suffer injury while working with industrial equipment:
- Crush Injuries between moving machine parts that damage nerves, bones, soft tissue and muscles.
- Machine jams or the equipment turning on or off rapidly leading to burns, tissue damages, broken bones and other damage.
- Maintenance injuries that occur when an employee is performing repairs, cleaning the equipment or replacing parts.
- Moving parts that catch on a worker’s clothing or body and causing scalping, choking, hanging, burning or other serious and deadly injuries.
- Removal of safety guards by employers that expose employees to inner workings, gears and moving parts of machines.
- Removal or improper maintenance of interlock devices that are supposed to shut down machines when a problem is encountered by an operator.
How The Reinartz Law Firm can Help
Our attorneys are experienced products liability and machine injury lawyers. We can assess your individual situation and potentially provide legal counsel for both workers’ compensation issues and defective product claims. We will investigate your accident, inspect the subject product if necessary, and explain your options. We work aggressively for our clients to maximize all avenues of available compensation.
Contact Us
If you are the victim of a machine injury in New Jersey, the Reinartz Law Firm can advocate for your rights. Contact us online or call (201) 778-HURT to set up a free consultation to discuss your situation. Our attorneys would be pleased to learn the facts of your case and explain your options during a free consultation.