When people drive negligently, they may cause several types of accidents that lead to painful injuries and ongoing medical treatment. The type of car accident will depend upon various factors, including the location, the speeds of the vehicles, the time of day, and other accident-specific circumstances.
However, no matter the type of accident, drivers and passengers on the receiving end may suffer severe and sometimes lifelong injuries and medical complications.
If you sustained injuries in a recent car crash that another driver caused, you should obtain the medical treatment that you need right away and that you consult with experienced legal counsel about your case.
A car accident lawyer in your area can take the necessary legal action, pursue a claim with the appropriate insurance company, and recover the monetary compensation you deserve for your losses.
If you are eligible to file a third-party claim with the at-fault driver’s insurance company, depending on the type of insurance coverage that you have, your lawyer can assist you throughout the settlement negotiation and litigation processes.
Your attorney will do everything they can to help you maximize your total monetary damages and become whole again after your car crash.
Common Causes of Motor Vehicle Accidents

Motor vehicle crashes typically arise when other drivers fail to follow the proper protocols and drive negligently or recklessly. First, some accidents are a direct result of intoxicated driving.
Alcohol intoxication or drug impairment may significantly affect a driver's ability to drive safely. For example, a drunk driver might experience delayed reaction time, limited concentration, and impaired reflexes. As a result, the driver may be unable to stop their vehicle in time to avoid a crash.
Drivers with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.08 percent or higher are legally intoxicated. Certain drivers must follow higher standards, such as young or commercial drivers.
In addition to the criminal penalties that often come with a DUI conviction, an intoxicated driver may also have to pay the accident victim monetary damages through their insurance carrier if they negligently cause an accident that leads to injuries.
In addition to drunk driving, distracted driving is another common cause of traffic accidents. Distracted driving occurs when a driver ignores the road.
For example, the driver might be making a call on their cell phone without using a hands-free Bluetooth device, texting and driving, or programming a GPS navigation system while on the road.
Alternatively, a distracted driver might engage in horseplay with vehicle passengers or otherwise fail to observe the road. When drivers do not pay attention while driving, they significantly increase their chances of hitting a pedestrian or another vehicle, bringing about severe and sometimes fatal injuries.
Likewise, some motor vehicle crashes result from traffic law violations. When drivers do not follow common traffic laws, especially repeatedly, they increase their chances of causing serious accidents.
Common traffic law violations that lead to traffic collisions include:
- Excessive speeding.
- Failing to yield the right-of-way.
- Failing to use the appropriate turn signals when making a lane change or turning onto a different road.
Next, some car crashes happen when people drive aggressively or engage in road rage. Drivers engage in road rage when they become angry and attempt to get ahead of other vehicles, especially in heavy traffic. For example, an enraged driver might resort to driving on the road shoulder, passing another vehicle without using turn signals, cutting other cars off in heavy traffic, or tailgating other vehicles (such as following them too closely).
Finally, some traffic accidents, including accidents in parking garages and parking lots, happen when drivers fail to use their side view and rearview mirrors while driving – and while pulling out of parking spaces.
Drivers who have vehicles equipped with backup cameras should also use these devices before backing out of a parking space. When drivers fail to take the necessary precautions, they may cause an accident by striking another vehicle or a pedestrian.
If you sustained injuries in a recent car crash under one of these circumstances, you should know your legal options as quickly as possible. Failing to take prompt action after a car crash may jeopardize your legal right to recover the fair monetary damages you deserve for your injuries.
A skilled car accident lawyer can review your legal options after discussing your accident's circumstances and help you develop a plan of action to move your case forward. Your attorney can also assist you with every step of the claims-filing process and help you maximize your total monetary recovery.
Types of Car Crashes that Commonly Result from Negligence
When a driver violates one or more road rules or exhibits other reckless and careless driving maneuvers, the chances are good that they will cause a severe traffic accident. Some of the most common car crashes include rear-end accidents, broadside or T-bone accidents, sideswipe accidents, overturn accidents, and head-on collisions.
First, a rear-end accident happens when the front of one vehicle hits the back of another car. These types of accidents are common when drivers exceed the speed limit, especially in adverse weather or traffic conditions. A driver who speeds excessively may not slow their vehicle down in time to avoid hitting the car in front of them.
Moreover, rear-end accidents can happen when drivers tailgate other cars or follow them too closely. When drivers tailgate and an abrupt traffic backup occurs, the rear driver cannot always stop in time to avoid a crash. In addition, a chain-reaction collision may occur, resulting in numerous injuries for drivers and passengers in other vehicles.
In addition to rear-end accidents, a broadside accident, or T-bone collision, happens when the front of one vehicle hits the side of a car traveling on an intersecting roadway. Since broadside accidents usually resemble the shape of the letter T, they are commonly known as T-bone crashes.
These types of accidents typically occur at traffic intersections, where the at-fault driver runs a red traffic light, stop sign, or yield sign and strikes a vehicle traveling on the intersecting road.
The force of a T-bone crash may cause the other vehicle to overturn or spin around quickly at the intersection, causing drivers and passengers in the affected car to suffer severe and sometimes deadly injuries.
In addition, a sideswipe accident typically happens when the sides of two vehicles hit one another while traveling in adjacent lanes, in the same direction, and on the same roadway. These accidents frequently occur during heavy traffic when a driver abruptly switches lanes and fails to use a turn signal before doing so. Sometimes, the force of a sideswipe accident causes the vehicle on the receiving end to slide into another travel lane or off the road.
A vehicle rollover accident, on the other hand, happens when a collision causes another car to overturn, fully or partially, on the road or road shoulder. These accidents often result from speeding drivers and other incredibly forceful crashes.
Finally, a head-on car accident occurs between two vehicles traveling in opposing lanes that face one another. During a head-on crash, the fronts of two vehicles collide, usually when the at-fault driver negligently speeds or engages in distracted or intoxicated driving. The driver then negligently causes their car to cross the centerline, median strip, or concrete barrier, hitting the front of another vehicle and bringing about serious injuries. When head-on crashes happen at high speeds, they are the most likely to result in permanent injuries and fatalities.
If you recently sustained injuries in one of these car accidents that resulted from another driver's carelessness, seek the legal help you need immediately. A knowledgeable car accident attorney can go over all of your legal options with you, help you file a claim, and pursue the full monetary recovery you need for your accident-related losses.
No-fault Insurance Laws Applicable to Car Accidents
When it comes to motor vehicle crashes in New Jersey, for example, no-fault insurance laws will apply.
Drivers may pre-select the following types of insurance coverage:
- Personal Injury Protection (PIP) coverage
- Unlimited Right to Sue option
- Limited Right to Sue option (such as where the accident victim suffers severe injuries in the accident)
PIP insurance coverage compensates accident victims for their related medical expenses, lost earnings, and other out-of-pocket losses stemming from their accidents. However, even if you are dealing with your own insurance company following a traffic accident, never assume that your insurance company will do you any favors. In fact, if you file a claim under your PIP policy, you essentially enter into an adversarial relationship with your own insurance company.
Insurance companies do not make money by paying out large personal injury settlements. Instead, they only make money when they collect premium payments from insured individuals like you and retain those proceeds in-house. Therefore, hire an experienced attorney as soon as possible. Your lawyer can negotiate with the insurance company on your behalf and pursue a favorable settlement that genuinely compensates you for your injuries.
Depending upon the coverage option you selected, your attorney can file a third-party personal injury claim or lawsuit with the at-fault driver's insurer. For example, your lawyer can file a third-party claim if you suffered a permanent or disabling injury in your accident.
To successfully recover monetary damages through a third-party claim or lawsuit, however, you will need to establish various legal elements of proof. First, you must demonstrate that the other driver violated at least one traffic law or traffic law, such as by drinking and driving or engaging in road rage. Additionally, you must show that as a direct result of the other driver's reckless behavior, your accident and injuries occurred.
Recoverable Damages Following a Car Crash
As part of a PIP insurance claim with your own insurer, you can recover various out-of-pocket expenses, including the cost of your related medical treatment and lost income.
However, to recover additional damages, you must typically file a third-party claim or lawsuit with the at-fault driver's insurer. As part of a third-party claim, the law may entitle you to additional damages, depending upon various factors.
Those factors may include the specific circumstances surrounding your accident, the nature and extent of your injuries, the cost of your medical treatment, and other personal losses that you experienced as a direct result of your car crash.
Some of the most common damages that car accident victims can recover in a third-party personal injury claim or lawsuit include compensation for:
- Past and future pain and suffering
- Inconvenience
- Mental distress
- Medical bills
- Lost income, along with other economic losses related to your car crash
While you know the losses you suffered, you still must provide evidence of these losses to an insurance company. Without proof, the insurer will not cover certain losses, and they might undervalue your intangible damages, like pain and suffering. Always seek help from a lawyer when proving the amount you deserve.
Contact a Car Accident Attorney Today

No matter the type, car accidents can lead to debilitating injuries and serious medical complications. Consequently, always seek the ongoing medical care and treatment you need after a car accident. You may need to consult your primary care doctor, attend ongoing medical appointments or physical therapy sessions, and undergo medical procedures, such as an injection or surgery. In addition, involve an experienced car accident lawyer in your case as quickly as possible.
As soon as your attorney enters an appearance in your case, they can begin pursuing the monetary compensation you deserve via a first-party claim with your own insurance carrier and/or a third-party claim with the at-fault driver's insurer. No matter your circumstances, your personal injury attorney in New Jersey will work to maximize your total monetary recovery in your car accident claim or lawsuit.
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