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Texting A Driver Who Then Crashes May Be A Basis For Personal Liability
In a case of first impression, a New Jersey appeals court recently[...]
Driver Struck By Municipal Vehicle Awarded $2.4 Million
On January 8, 2010 Plaintiff Jesse Mickens Jr. had just entered his[...]
$2 Million Settlement For Fall From Ladder
A cable television installer who was left quadriplegic after sustaining a work-related[...]
$1.1 Million Settlement on Behalf of Plaintiff Injured by Underage Drunk Driver
On July 19, 2013, the family of a man left permanently disabled[...]
$1.19 Million Award in New Jersey Rear-End Collision Suit
A couple injured in a rear-end collision was recently awarded $1.19 million[...]
How to Use Your Smartphone After An Accident
Smartphones have revolutionized the way we communicate, and acquire and store information. [...]
Legal Options After Common Carrier Accidents
Tragedy struck this past Fourth of July weekend when Asiana Flight 214[...]
The “Big Four” Types of Liens Against Personal Injury Settlements and Judgments
A lien is a claim or encumbrance on property for payment of[...]
NJ Supreme Court Rules that Ski Slope Immunity Law is No Bar to Injury Suits Between Skiers
Last week, the New Jersey Supreme Court ruled in Angland v. Mountain[...]
DUI/DWI Alcotest to be Phased Out in NJ by 2016, With New Technology to Implemented
Alcotest, the drunken-driving tester that replaced the Breathalyzer in New Jersey just[...]
Commercial Landlord Found Not Liable For Death Caused By Bacteria In Building’s Drinking Water Supply
In a newly decided New Jersey wrongful death and survivorship action, Vellucci[...]
NJ Supreme Court Finds No Duty of Care Owed to Neighbor Shot While Responding to Robbery
In a recent New Jersey Supreme Court premises liability decision, The Estate[...]
NJ Supreme Court Holds that Plaintiff’s Medical Malpractice Expert Must Practice in the Same Medical Specialties as Defendant Physicians
In a recent decision handed down by the New Jersey Supreme Court,[...]
U.S. Supreme Court Rules That Police Must Obtain a Search Warrant or Consent To Extract Blood From a Driver to Test for Alcohol
On April 17, 2013, the United States Supreme Court held in Missouri[...]
Burn Injury Lawsuits
Burn injuries can be sustained in a variety of settings, from the[...]
New Jersey DUI Sentencing: The 10-Year Step Down
New Jersey’s DUI Statute, 39:4-50(a)(3) provides a certain measure of relief to[...]
Intentional Torts: Assault and Battery
While the State may initiate a criminal action against a person who[...]
Plaintiff’s Voluntary Intoxication
In most circumstances, an intoxicated plaintiff “is held to the same standard[...]
Successive, Unrelated Torts
When a plaintiff suffers injury to the same body part as a[...]
The Affidavit of Merit: New Jersey Medical Malpractice and Professional Negligence Lawyer
Under New Jersey law, plaintiffs in medical malpractice and other matters alleging[...]
The Rescue Doctrine: New Jersey Personal Injury Attorney
When a rescuer is injured during an attempted rescue of another person[...]