Lifting Injuries

Lifting Injuries

Lifting Injuries

Anyone, including a professional weightlifter, warehouse worker, or homeowner rearranging furniture, can sustain a lifting injury. These injuries include minor muscle strains and debilitating spinal issues. The sad reality is that most people, regardless of profession or fitness level, are at risk of suffering this type of injury.

Understanding the potential hazards of incorrect or excessive lifting and the preventative measures you can take is crucial to maintaining your physical well-being. It is equally important to understand your legal options if you suffered this injury in the workplace or due to another person's wrongful action. Contact New Jersey workers' compensation lawyers as soon as possible.

Understanding Lifting Injuries: What They Are and the Common Types

Before delving into the causes of lifting injuries, it is crucial to understand what these injuries are and the most common types.

What Are Lifting Injuries?

Lifting injuries typically occur when a person incorrectly or unsafely picks up a heavy object, placing undue strain on the body and leading to various injuries. Such injuries can be acute (happening suddenly during the lifting process) or chronic (developing over time due to repeated stress on certain body parts).

Common Types of Lifting Injuries

Minor and severe injuries occur from lifting objects.

The most common ones include:

  • Lower back strain: The lower back, or the lumbar region, is the part of the body most susceptible to lifting injuries as it bears most of the weight during a lift. Strains occur when the act of lifting tears or stretches the muscles or ligaments in this area beyond their limits.
  • Hernia: A hernia is another common lifting injury. It occurs when an organ (usually part of the intestine) protrudes through a weak spot in the abdominal muscles, creating a visible, potentially painful bulge.
  • Rotator cuff injuries: Rotator cuff injuries occur when the muscles or tendons in the shoulders’ rotator cuff sustain damage. Lifting heavy objects, particularly overhead, can lead to this kind of injury.
  • Spinal injuries: Lifting heavy objects can place significant pressure on the spine, sometimes leading to slipped or herniated discs. These are serious conditions that can cause severe pain and require extensive treatment.


Causes of Lifting Injuries

A clear understanding of the causes of lifting injuries is crucial for prevention, safety, and legal protection. Knowledge allows individuals and organizations to take proactive steps to mitigate the risks of lifting heavy objects.

Incorrect Lifting Techniques

Most lifting injuries occur due to incorrect techniques, such as when a person lifts heavy objects with their back instead of their legs. The back, specifically the lower back, cannot bear heavy loads, and using it to do so can lead to severe injuries. Instead, lift with your legs while keeping your spine vertical and the load close to your body.


Another common cause of lifting injuries is overexertion, which can occur when a person picks up something too heavy for them or lifts heavy objects repeatedly without taking adequate breaks. Overexertion can lead to strains, sprains, and worse injuries, such as hernias and spinal injuries.

Lack of Proper Training

Many lifting injuries occur due to a lack of proper training. Without appropriate instructions or training, individuals may engage in risky lifting practices, leading to injuries. Employers, gym owners, and other stakeholders should provide proper training to mitigate this risk.

Repetitive Motions

Repeatedly performing the same lifting motion can also lead to injuries, and this is especially true in workplaces where workers lift heavy objects regularly. Repeated movement can strain specific muscles and joints, leading to chronic conditions such as tendinitis and repetitive stress injuries.

Lack of Proper Equipment

Lifting injuries may occur when someone does not use or have the right equipment. Tools such as forklifts, hand trucks, and hoists help safely move heavy objects.

Without them, individuals risk injuring themselves by lifting objects that are too heavy or unwieldy. In such cases, the individuals and the entities that failed to provide the right equipment might be legally responsible.

Common Places Where Lifting Injuries Occur

Lifting injuries can occur in a variety of settings. While many associate them with workplaces involving manual labor, they can happen anywhere and anytime lifting occurs. Knowing where these injuries are most likely to happen helps implement preventative measures and formulate strategies to reduce injuries.

The Workplace

Workplaces, particularly those involving manual labor, are hotspots for lifting injuries. Workers in warehouses, construction sites, manufacturing plants, and other locations requiring lifting suffer a significant number of injuries.

Workers in these settings may handle heavy loads regularly. Without proper equipment or training, their risk of harm escalates.

Gyms and Sport or Activity Settings

Gyms and sports activities are other common places where lifting injuries occur. Many gym goers attempt to lift weights beyond their capacity, leading to overexertion and acute injuries.

Athletes participating in sports such as weightlifting and powerlifting are at a high risk of sustaining lifting injuries if they do not adhere to proper techniques or warm up adequately before lifting heavy weights.

The Home

Lifting injuries do not just occur in professional settings. Many people hurt themselves while doing everyday tasks at home, including moving furniture and carrying heavy loads.

Such instances are common during home renovations or moves when situating large and heavy items. In many cases, people did not follow proper lifting techniques, resulting in strains, sprains, or more serious injuries.

Understanding proper lifting techniques, the importance of breaks, and the need to use appropriate equipment can significantly reduce the risk of injuries. The relevant authorities, such as employers or gym owners, should also provide the necessary training and support to those performing lifting activities.

Legal considerations are critical when dealing with lifting injuries, regardless of where they occur. Knowing their rights and the legal recourse available can help individuals suffering from these injuries obtain the compensation and justice they deserve.

Workers' Compensation and Lifting Injuries

In many jurisdictions, workers' compensation laws include coverage for work-related injuries, including lifting injuries. If you were to sustain an injury while lifting at work, your company's workers’ compensation insurance should cover your medical expenses and part of your lost income.

The process of filing a claim can be complex, and employers or insurance companies may dispute or deny it. In such scenarios, seeking legal representation can be critical to navigating the process.

Individuals who suffer from lifting injuries have several legal rights. If the injury occurred at the workplace as the result of the employer's negligence (such as lack of proper training or equipment), the injured party might have a basis for negligence against the employer.

If the injury occurred at a gym or at home due to a defective product, the injured party might have a product liability claim against the manufacturer of the faulty equipment.

Legal representation plays a vital role in lifting injury cases. A qualified attorney explains your rights, evaluates the merits of your case, and navigates the legal processes. They negotiate with insurance companies for a fair settlement or represent you in court if necessary. Engage a competent lawyer when dealing with lifting injuries.

There is a time limit, known as the statute of limitations, within which you must file your lifting injury. The statute of limitations differs depending on the jurisdiction and the nature of the claim. If you do not file before the expiration of the statute of limitations, you risk losing your right to seek compensation. Reach out to a legal professional as soon as possible after a lifting injury occurs.

While the legal aspects of lifting injuries may seem complex, they are necessary for protecting the rights of injured parties while promoting safety in various environments. Understanding these legal issues helps individuals and organizations take appropriate action after a lifting injury and avoid potential legal pitfalls.

How Can Insurance Companies Stop You From Getting Compensation Following a Lifting Injury?

Insurance companies may try several methods for diminishing or denying a claim following a lifting injury.

They may argue that the injury was pre-existing, not a result of the incident. They may suggest that the injured party was not following safety procedures or was not using the provided safety equipment, contributing to their own injury. Insurance companies often engage in these tactics to reduce their financial liabilities.

Dealing with such rebuttals can be challenging and stressful, which is why it is critical to have a well-versed personal injury attorney who will effectively counter these arguments and fight for your rightful compensation.

The Steps To Take Following a Lifting Injury at Work

There are crucial steps to take following a lifting injury at work to ensure you can pursue the compensation and justice you deserve, including:

  1. Report the injury: Notify your supervisor or HR department immediately. Follow your workplace's policy for reporting work-related injuries.
  2. Document the incident: Write down as many details about the incident as you can remember, including when, where, and how the injury occurred.
  3. Seek immediate medical attention: Even if the injury seems minor, seek a medical professional's evaluation. This protects your health and provides crucial documentation for any potential insurance claim or lawsuit.
  4. Preserve evidence: If there is any physical evidence or witness accounts supporting your claim, try to preserve them. This might include objects from the incident, photos of the area where the accident happened, or even surveillance footage.
  5. Follow your doctor's instructions: Attend all follow-up appointments and adhere to treatments your doctor prescribes. This can help prove the seriousness of your injury and your commitment to recovery.
  6. File a workers' compensation claim: Depending on your local laws, you can file a workers' compensation claim to cover your medical bills and lost income.
  7. Go over the accident with a skilled personal injury lawyer: Discuss your options with a personal injury lawyer. They will guide you through the legal process and protect your rights.

If you have suffered a lifting injury, seek immediate medical attention. Once you have received treatment, discuss your case with an experienced personal injury accident attorney to understand your legal rights and the potential remedies available.

Personal Injury Attorney Richard Reinartz
Richard Reinartz Personal Injury Lawyer

Whether your injury took place at work, the gym, or even at home, it is essential to know the legal recourse you have. An experienced personal injury attorney guides you through the daunting legal process, ensuring you get the compensation and justice you deserve.

Do not wait to get the legal advice and guidance you need. Contact an experienced personal injury attorney today for a free case consultation.

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