How Long Can You Be On Workers’ Compensation In NJ?

The length of time that workers' compensation benefits are received depends on the facts of the case and types of benefits invoked. Medical benefits are required to be provided up until the point the injured worker reaches maximum medical improvement. However, there are also monetary benefits available to injured workers. The typical money (non-medical) benefits available to injured workers are:
- Temporary Total Disability
- Permanent Total Disability
- Permanent Partial Disability
Workers' compensation is intended to provide a safety net if an injury occurs on the job that prevents a worker from immediately returning to work. Compensation is available for costs of medical care and lost wages resulting from their injuries. If you qualify for workers' compensation after an injury, you may wonder how long you can receive compensation.
Temporary Total Disability
Perhaps the most well-known workers' compensation benefit, temporary total disability, provides wage replacement benefits to workers who are authorized to be out of work for more than 7 days due to injury. The length of time you can receive temporary total disability depends on whether:
- You have reached maximum medical improvement
- You are able to return to work
- You reach 400 weeks of disability
Temporary total disability benefits are typically paid weekly at the rate of 70 percent of your average weekly wage, subject to maximum and minimum rates.
Permanent Total Disability
Your authorized treating doctor determines when you have reached maximum medical improvement for your injuries. If, after that time, it is determined that you are permanently totally disabled, you may be entitled to receive permanent total disability benefits for life. These benefits are paid pursuant to a schedule set forth by the state and are subject to certain additional requirements.
Permanent Partial Disability
If, after discharge from authorized medical treatment, it is determined that you have sustained a permanent partial disability, you may be eligible to receive scheduled permanency benefits for a set period of time after your treatment is concluded.
New Jersey categorizes certain injuries as scheduled losses and others as non-scheduled losses. New Jersey's schedule of disabilities outlines the dollar value and duration of payment of permanent partial disability benefits.
Expert witnesses are invaluable in this regard as they offer opinions as to the extent of the permanent partial injuries sustained.
Getting Legal Help
A workers' compensation lawyer can help you understand your rights and navigate the workers' compensation process. Knowing what to expect during each step will help expedite the process and maximize your potential compensation. Contact us today to learn more.